The starting player, i.e. YOU, clicks and empties any hollow and automatically distributes the stones to the following hollows. Always counterclockwise. Our game robot does it also one after another and rotatory way.
3. Last stone in your own Kalaha
If the last stone falls into your own Kalaha, you can make another move. This can be repeated any number of times as long as the last stone falls into your own Kalaha.
4. Empty hollows
If a last stone lands in your own empty hollow, you can take this stone and the stones placed in the opposite hollow, i.e. those of your opponent, into your own Kalaha. This ends the move and it is the opponent’s turn.
5. End of Game
Whoever empties his own hollows first, can take the opponent’s stones that are placed in his hollows. You take these into your own Kalaha.
The winner is whoever has collected the most stones in his Kalaha.